Monday, September 11, 2006

Thank God for Blue Potties...

I am amazed at God's intimate involvement in our lives. In Psalm 139 He tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made... that He knew us when we were knit together in our mother's womb. That is amazing to me! He cares for us and He cares for us even in the small details of our lives.

We recently moved to Puebla, Mexico. The last few months before moving has been challening. During this transition we have been trying to potty-train our 2 year old son, JP. JP has been very capable of using the potty, but he kept refusing. His time to be potty-trained was going to be completely on his own time. He has been telling us "I will use the potty when we get to Mexico." I think he has said this just to get us to leave him alone.

Well, the day after we arrived in Puebla we went to our new house to look at it and make sure everything was in place for us to move in. The kids and I were looking at each room until we got to the upstairs bathroom. All of a sudden the kids were jumping with excitement... the bathroom toilet and sink were blue. Well, for any of you who do not know JP well should know that his favorite of favorite colors is blue. In his mind, anything that is blue must be good and made just for him. So, as you can imagine he felt this way about the bathroom toilet and sink.

Now after being here just one week JP announced that he was ready to start using the blue potty. I am so thankful that God is interested in helping a little boy overcome his fear of using the potty by giving us a blue potty for him to start using.
This experience is reminding me to open my eyes to the little blessings and fingerprints of God all around me. He loves me, He has told me so in His Word... why wouldn't He also want to show me in the world around me. He has shown a little two year old boy how much He loves him through a little blue potty. How is He showing His love to you today? And are your eyes open to see the love that He has for you? I know my eyes aren't always open, but I am praying that God would continue to open my eyes to the little blue potties all around me.